The Baby Proof

Baby Proof House Checklist

baby proof

When parents begin planning for their new baby, they are naturally concerned about ensuring that the house remains safe and secure. It’s a nice thought to think that the world can be easily searched and always home is where the baby’s safety lies but is it really a realistic goal?

You can’t really a baby proof house for the baby that will actually be born and live in the house. But what about those that are already born? The most likely scenario is that the baby will be safely ensconced in the same house as the parents for a considerable period of time and as such, you can actually easily baby proof the house for the new baby.

The furniture that you provide to the baby can be put through quite a few cycles of life and wear and tear. It’s a great potential to use furniture that is damaged so that it is little likely to cause damage to the baby’s new environment.

Furniture should be made from either wood or manufactured from soft surfaces. Hardwood furniture such as sofas, chairs, and chests are ideal furniture to place in the living room, baby’s room and nursery. Soft furniture such as cots and bassinets will ensure that the baby has a steady base from which to sleep in the room.

Furniture should also be made from strong frames that will not easily be bowed. Baby furniture that is made from strong materials will prevent excessive weight on the infant and will provide a level of safety that is beyond imagining. Cribs and changing tables are good examples of high-quality furniture that should be provided to the baby.

Hard furnishings such as wood or metal should be left out of the house to minimize any tension that the baby could cause in the furniture. Furniture such as beds, sofas, and recliners should also be left out of the baby’s room to prevent any possibility of damage and suffering. They should be adequately cuddled and so should be free from all possible stress for the new baby.

Adjustable furniture such as couches and loveseats should also be removed from the baby’s room and left out. It is a simple yet essential consideration. Soft furnishings such as couches and sofas are not easily injured and can be very comforting.

Car seats should be left to be used for the first year or so and then completely removed from the house. Other seats such as strollers should also be removed so that all possible stress is removed from the baby. Baby strollers can also be removed from the house.

Well-lit areas should be well maintained. It’s worth it to invest in some strobe lights to create some light but the other important light is the natural light that comes from outside.

Cleaning the house is a major part of baby proofing the house. High-quality floors and carpets will need regular cleaning to ensure they are in top condition. A short and dirty walk through your local public toilet will suffice to ensure this.

A house that is well baby-proofed will be safe for the new baby to live in. This will ensure that they are secure and that they can fall asleep without worrying about being injured by furniture.

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