The Baby Proof

Baby Proof House Checklist

baby proof Christmas tree ideas

Christmas is a fun time for the whole family. However, for toddlers, the excitement of seeing a Christmas tree can pose some danger to them; how to proof the Christmas tree. Toddlers are attracted to bright things; they will want to pull your Christmas tree. Christmas tree can pose a threat of entanglement, falls, or even chocking to your little ones. The baby proof Christmas tree ideas can help you enjoy your Christmas while keeping your little ones safe.

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How to baby proof Christmas tree?

Ensure your Christmas tree is not obstructing your baby’s way

Ensuring that the tree is not blocking the baby is one of the best child proof Christmas tree ideas. This is important, especially if you have a crawling ba0by. Try putting the tree behind the sofa, in the corner, or far-end in the dining room. This way, the baby is rarely tempted to play with the tree.

DIY baby proof Christmas tree

Create a playpen and put the tree inside

Playpen ensures that your Christmas tree is visible to brighten your home while keeping toddlers away. You can use old boxes, pieces of wood, or buy a playpen and put the tree inside. Also, ensure that the playpen’s height is long enough to obstruct your baby from the tree.

Use shutter proof ornaments

Shiny things can easily attract your baby from the Christmas tree. One way of getting child proof Christmas tree ornaments is buying shatterproof ornaments. This way, the decorations will not break, even if they fall. Best decorations to buy are plastic ones. Also, ensure that you don’t decorate the lower parts of the tree, concentrate on the upper parts, away from the baby’s reach. Also, ensure that you hand the ornaments using a piece of cloth or ribbon. Most ornaments come with their hangers. Some of the hangers are sharp wires, which can be hazardous to toddlers, especially those learning to walk. Babies love to grip and lean on objects while taking their first steps; if they get hold of the sharp objects, they will get hurt.

Buy baby’s tiny tree

If babies have their tree, they get to decorate it in their win style. This way, they get less interested in your Christmas tree. Ensure the baby’s tree is fake, or cheap. This way, you can get a new one once they spoil the old one. Keep the tree In their bedroom, and help them to decorate the tree.

Use bells

Bells make the Christmas tree exciting since they make gentle little sounds. Using bells can make your toddlers attracted to the Christmas tree since bells are safe to play with. However, since bells are entirely safe to play with, you don’t have to worry about them getting hurt. Also, the bell can alert you when the baby starts to play with the tree so that you can watch them as they play.

Buy safe ornaments

Babies love putting everything in their mouth; thus, you need to buy baby proof Christmas tree decorations. One of the things you should avoid is tinsel. Apart from being one of the significant choking hazards, tinsel is not attractive. Some of the best child-friendly ornaments are:

•    Handprint reindeer ornament

•    Fruitloop ornament

•    Stained glass ornament

•    Grinch felt ornament

•    Yam star ornament

•    Santa Hat ornament

•    Perler bead ornament

These ornaments are simple, safe, and cute for your babies. You can comfortably decorate the lower parts of the tree. Also, you can allow your children to help you decorate. To provide an extra layer of safety to kids, ensure the ornaments are safely glued to the tree.

Buy a fake tree

One of the best strategies to get a childproof Christmas tree is buying an artificial tree. Don’t feel guilty about tricking your children with a fake Christmas tree. One reason to buy a fake tree is that it is cheap, and you don’t have to worry about getting it ruined. Also, a real tree will eventually dry out, and when it does, it will make a big mess. Having a toddler can make the house messier. Ensure the fake tree is not toxic, as this will make be a hazard to your children. Also, conduct thorough research to understand the components of the artificial Christmas tree. Some fake trees have lead, which is quite hazardous, especially if your baby is at the stage where they put everything in the mouth.

Ensure the lights are at the tree’s edges

Toddlers get attracted to bright things, and lights can excite your babies. Unless your Christmas tree is pre-lit, ensure that the lights are on the edges. This way, the babies can’t get to them. Apart from the lights, make sure that you put anything fragile high up.

Decorate with toys or animals

Instead of buying expensive ornaments and decorations, you can use toys and animals. Babies love toys and animals, and they won’t destroy them even if they are alone at home. Also, toys are less fragile compared to ornaments; hence, kids can throw them around, and still they don’t get broken. When the festivities are over, your kids can continue playing with the Christmas toys. Thus, apart from being durable, animals and toys can be useful outside the Christmas festivities. Having a baby over Christmas is fun and can make the festivities memorable. However, your baby’s safety should be your primary concern. The baby proof Christmas tree decorations can enable you to enjoy Christmas while ensuring that your baby is safe which the spirit of Christmas

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